How long is the flight to Iceland?

Flights from the US to Iceland from cities in the Northeast (NY, Boston) is approx 5 hours, but around 6 hours from Chicago and 7 from Seattle and Orlando.

Do players have to have money with them for the visit?

All meals and expenses are taken care of during the three day stay. Players want to have pocket money to buy souvenirs or gifts from Iceland, also for occasionally snacks or drinks off venue.

How is the food in Iceland?

The food and restaurant scene in Iceland is second to none. There is focus on providing players with healthy and delicious food while in Iceland. Breakfast is much like in the US, bacon, eggs, OJ, cereal, toast, etc.

Can player's parents attend the tournament?

Yes, we encourage parents to visit Iceland at the same time. Parents are welcome to the games free of charge. Parents haveto schedule and arrange the travel and lodging on their own. To make the most of you stay in Iceland ANSAathletics can of course advise on travel and stay if needed. Just send us an email to info@arcticbasketball.com for assistance.

Will the games be broadcasted?

Yes, the games will be broadcasted online for parents and fans back home in the US to enjoy.

Is the tournament for both men and women?

Games will be arranged with local clubs / U20 national teams for both the mens´ and wormen´s teams from the university. The organizers hope to see both men’s and women’s teams from the same school attending as reflected in the pricing with lower registration fee for two teams.

What time of the year do the games take place?

The organizers can arrange the games / visit anytime when the school prefers. The schools need to contact the organizers with preferably six months before so the visit can be planned, arranged, and confirmed.