Logistics & lodging

Getting to Iceland from the US is easy. Direct flights to and from Iceland are offered from thirteen US cities: Seattle, Portland and Denver from the West, then from Midwest, Minneapolis, Chicago, and Detroit, while from the east coast Orlando, Raleigh-Durham, Baltimore, Washington DC, New York and Boston. Flights to and from the US are calculated into the price per participant, see more under Pricing.

Hotel stay and breakfast will be at Hotel Reykjavik Natura, close to downtown Reykjavik. Tournament participants will stay in luxurious twin guest rooms and have breakfast buffet at the hotel.  Please see more about the hotel here: Hotel Reykjavik Natura

Transportation is provided by the top-notch bus service Reykjavik Excursions, from to the airport on arriving and when departing. RE buses also drive the teams to and from the basketball arena for the games and the transportation for the sight-seeing and the leisure activities

Finally, the teams all dine in an excellent restaurant in a separate dining hall in the restaurant Sjáland (By the seaside restaurant). The teams will be served both lunch and dinner in the restaurant. Breakfast will be a part of the hotel stay.